Saturday, January 24, 2009

John Lopez scores 1,050,400 on Donkey Kong

The above is a screenshot of a donkey kong "Kill Screen " ! achieved by me , JOHN LOPEZ .
i used the Twin Galaxies settings as below :
Donkey Kong [US Set 1] 
Variation:Points [Default,TGTS]
Rules:ROMSet: DKong 
Lives: 3 
Bonus life: 7000

Special Rules: None

As far as I know , I am one of only a handful of people in the world that can achieve this .
The all time world record for donkey kong is 1,050,200 set by Billy Mitchell .  The M.A.M.E (multi arcade machine emulator)  world record on donkey kong is  917,600 by Ross Benzinger   .  So now i'll need submit a score to Twin Galaxies .

1 comment:

  1. Cool. I hope you can repeat your performance for the TG folks!
